Unable to Send Bug Report

Report your bugs here - if someone else has already mentioned the same bug, just add on to their post with as much info as possible to make the hunting easier.
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Unable to Send Bug Report

Post by jwolf79 »

Hello - this is a minor problem (I have a more major one that I will submit separately) but whenever I try to send a bug report to Bruji servers it says that it is unable to do so. I don't know why.

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Re: Unable to Send Bug Report

Post by Conor »

Hi Jeff,

Thank you for the bug report, if it happens again please take a look at your console log, with the program of the same name in your utilities folder, and send us any error message from Bookpedia.
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Re: Unable to Send Bug Report

Post by jwolf79 »

Hi again - and here is the Console Bug Report for what (I presume) is my failed attempt to send the Bug Report:

01/05/2010 14:23:12 Bookpedia[205] The NSManagedObject with ID:0x14040d10 <x-coredata://050292AF-629B-4EAB-94BA-42F78F9C6D2B/Book/p1080> has been invalidated.
01/05/2010 14:23:12 Bookpedia[205] Uncaught system exception: signal 10
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] NSExceptionHandlerExceptionRaiser (in ExceptionHandling) + 182
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] objc_exception_throw (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 56
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] -[_NSInvalidationFaultHandler fulfillFault:withContext:] (in CoreData) + 130
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] _PF_FulfillDeferredFault (in CoreData) + 193
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] _PF_Handler_WillAccess_Property (in CoreData) + 65
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] _PF_ManagedObject_WillChangeValueForKeywithSetMutation (in CoreData) + 68
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] -[NSManagedObject willChangeValueForKey:withSetMutation:usingObjects:] (in CoreData) + 95
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] -[NSManagedObject(_NSInternalMethods) _excludeObject:fromPropertyWithKey:andIndex:] (in CoreData) + 319
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] -[NSManagedObject(_NSInternalMethods) _maintainInverseRelationship:forProperty:oldDestination:newDestination:] (in CoreData) + 674
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] -[NSManagedObject(_NSInternalMethods) _maintainInverseRelationship:forProperty:forChange:onSet:] (in CoreData) + 256
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] -[NSManagedObject(_NSInternalMethods) _didChangeValue:forRelationship:named:withInverse:] (in CoreData) + 697
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] -[NSManagedObjectContext observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:] (in CoreData) + 187
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] NSKeyValueNotifyObserver (in Foundation) + 372
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] NSKeyValueDidChange (in Foundation) + 377
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObservingPrivate) _didChangeValuesForKeys:] (in Foundation) + 565
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] -[NSFaultHandler turnObject:intoFaultWithContext:] (in CoreData) + 612
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] -[NSManagedObjectContext reset] (in CoreData) + 698
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] -[MyControllerShared saveManagedObjectContext] (in Pediabase) + 983
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] _nsnote_callback (in Foundation) + 176
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] __CFXNotificationPost (in CoreFoundation) + 905
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] _CFXNotificationPostNotification (in CoreFoundation) + 186
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] (in Foundation) + 128
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:] (in Foundation) + 56
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] NSExceptionHandlerUncaughtSignalHandler (in ExceptionHandling) + 65
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] _sigtramp (in libSystem.B.dylib) + 43
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] 0xffffffff
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] ___CFBasicHashFindBucket1 (in CoreFoundation) + 444
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] __CFBasicHashRehash (in CoreFoundation) + 1739
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] CFBasicHashRemoveValue (in CoreFoundation) + 1264
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] CFDictionaryRemoveValue (in CoreFoundation) + 179
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] _PFCMT_RemoveValue (in CoreData) + 84
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] -[NSManagedObjectContext(_NSInternalAdditions) _forgetObject:propagateToObjectStore:removeFromRegistry:] (in CoreData) + 157
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] -[NSManagedObjectContext(_NSInternalAdditions) _forgetObject:propagateToObjectStore:] (in CoreData) + 56
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] -[_PFManagedObjectReferenceQueue _processReferenceQueue:] (in CoreData) + 1041
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] _performRunLoopAction (in CoreData) + 207
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] __CFRunLoopDoObservers (in CoreFoundation) + 1186
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] CFRunLoopRunSpecific (in CoreFoundation) + 490
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] CFRunLoopRunInMode (in CoreFoundation) + 97
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] RunCurrentEventLoopInMode (in HIToolbox) + 392
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] ReceiveNextEventCommon (in HIToolbox) + 158
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode (in HIToolbox) + 81
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] _DPSNextEvent (in AppKit) + 847
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] (in AppKit) + 156
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] -[NSApplication run] (in AppKit) + 821
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] NSApplicationMain (in AppKit) + 574
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] _start (in Bookpedia) + 209
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] start (in Bookpedia) + 41
01/05/2010 14:23:13 [0x0-0x20020].com.bruji.bookpedia[205] 0x00000002 (in Bookpedia)
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Re: Unable to Send Bug Report

Post by Conor »

Thank you for the information, it's now fixed for the next official version.
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