Problems Adding PDFs in Bookpedia

Report your bugs here - if someone else has already mentioned the same bug, just add on to their post with as much info as possible to make the hunting easier.
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Bruji Friend
Bruji Friend
Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Apr 30, 2010 10:37 pm

Problems Adding PDFs in Bookpedia

Post by jwolf79 »


I am a brand new user of Bookpedia and am very impressed with the software and its possibilities. One reason I've chosen to go with Bookpedia is because it will allow me to organize and manage a large collection of PDF ebooks that I have.

But I am having some trouble adding them. I have two related problems. First, if I add too many at once (and by add I mean that I drag and drop them over the Bookpedia icon, and by too many I mean anything above, it seems, 400), the program locks up and gives me this message: Changes Cannot be Saved: "The database in memory is not in a valid state and will be reloaded from the hard disk." Then it tries to send a bug report (but is unable to do so - see previous posting of mine). Then I must quit the program and re-start it and most of the changes/additions I just made have not been saved. Fortunately, if I try adding a smaller number of PDFs (<400 at a time...I have about 2500 total), I can usually get things to work. But this is clearly not ideal and it takes a lot of time, not to mention the worry that the database will conk out on me in the future and I will lose a lot of work.

The second issue has to do with the first. I keep all my PDFs in one folder in my hard drive - completely unorganized in that folder but I know they are all there. But when I add PDFs to this folder on my hard drive, I have little way of knowing (without laboriously sifting through all of them) which ones have already been added to Bookpedia. Thanfully, Bookpedia tells me, when I add them, that File X is already linked to to one that I am about to add, and then asks me if I wish to add a new book or not. Not wishing to create unneeded duplicates, I click on 'No'. But I must do this for *every single PDF* I try to add that is already linked to a reference in Bookpedia. There is no 'No to all' option. So I sit there and click 'No' about 350 times. There must be a faster, smoother way to do this. The way it's done in iTunes, it seems, is via a dialog that asks if I wish to skip duplicates and then allows me to check 'skip all'. This would be ideal for Bookpedia in this case as well, I imagine.

In short, while I am enjoying Bookpedia so far and really dig its potential, and still has some growing pains when it comes to adding and managing large numbers of PDFs. Since this is the main reason why I purchased Bookpedia, I am keen to see it fixed.

Please let me know if you need more details/info from me.

Thanks for all your efforts thus far!

Bruji Friend
Bruji Friend
Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Apr 30, 2010 10:37 pm

Re: Problems Adding PDFs in Bookpedia

Post by jwolf79 »

Here is the Console Report from a recent crash of Bookpedia while I was adding PDFs:

01/05/2010 14:22:51 Bookpedia[205] Error saving core data: {
NSLocalizedDescription = "Too few items in collections.";
NSValidationErrorKey = collections;
NSValidationErrorObject = <MOBook: 0x178b5980> (entity: Book; id: 0x14b94bb0 <x-coredata:///Book/t53D1C6C9-3A99-4231-8947-F63C71B4B9BD712> ; data: {
addressBookID = nil;
asin = nil;
askingPrice = nil;
author = "Steven Pressman";
awards = nil;
borrowedBy = nil;
borrowedOn = nil;
buyerAddress = nil;
buyerEmail = nil;
buyerName = nil;
children = nil;
collectionID = nil;
collections = (
comments = nil;
condition = nil;
copyright = nil;
custom1 = nil;
custom10 = nil;
custom2 = nil;
custom3 = nil;
custom4 = nil;
custom5 = nil;
custom6 = nil;
custom7 = nil;
custom8 = nil;
custom9 = nil;
dateAdded = 2010-05-01 14:19:08 +0100;
dateEdited = 2008-04-22 20:33:36 +0100;
dewey = nil;
dimensions = nil;
discs = nil;
dueDate = nil;
edition = nil;
editor = nil;
extraData = nil;
format = PDF;
genre = nil;
gift = nil;
hasBeenSold = 0;
hasMovieLink = 0;
illustrator = nil;
isbn = nil;
lastRead = nil;
lastUsedCount = 0;
lastUsedSet = (
lccn = nil;
lentHistorySet = (
linksSet = (
0x14cad0f0 <x-coredata:///Link/t53D1C6C9-3A99-4231-8947-F63C71B4B9BD713>
locale = nil;
location = nil;
lowestNewPrice = nil;
lowestUsedPrice = nil;
myRating = 0;
notes = nil;
onSale = 0;
pageMark = nil;
pages = 354;
paid = nil;
placePublished = nil;
placedForSaleAt = nil;
price = nil;
producer = nil;
publisher = nil;
purchasedAt = nil;
purchasedOn = nil;
rating = nil;
releaseDate = nil;
series = nil;
signed = 0;
similarProductsSet = (
soldOn = nil;
soldPrice = nil;
sortTitle = nil;
status = 0;
subjects = Economics;
summary = nil;
tags = "# Paperback: 322 pages
\n# Publisher: Routledge; 2 ";
title = "Fifty Major Economists";
translator = nil;
uid = 3144;
upc = nil;
url = nil;
NSValidationErrorValue = Relationship objects for {(
)} on 0x1400d290;
01/05/2010 14:23:01 Bookpedia[205] Error saving core data: {
NSLocalizedDescription = "Too few items in collections.";
NSValidationErrorKey = collections;
NSValidationErrorObject = <MOBook: 0x178b5980> (entity: Book; id: 0x14b94bb0 <x-coredata:///Book/t53D1C6C9-3A99-4231-8947-F63C71B4B9BD712> ; data: {
addressBookID = nil;
asin = nil;
askingPrice = nil;
author = "Steven Pressman";
awards = nil;
borrowedBy = nil;
borrowedOn = nil;
buyerAddress = nil;
buyerEmail = nil;
buyerName = nil;
children = nil;
collectionID = nil;
collections = (
comments = nil;
condition = nil;
copyright = nil;
custom1 = nil;
custom10 = nil;
custom2 = nil;
custom3 = nil;
custom4 = nil;
custom5 = nil;
custom6 = nil;
custom7 = nil;
custom8 = nil;
custom9 = nil;
dateAdded = 2010-05-01 14:19:08 +0100;
dateEdited = 2008-04-22 20:33:36 +0100;
dewey = nil;
dimensions = nil;
discs = nil;
dueDate = nil;
edition = nil;
editor = nil;
extraData = nil;
format = PDF;
genre = nil;
gift = nil;
hasBeenSold = 0;
hasMovieLink = 0;
illustrator = nil;
isbn = nil;
lastRead = nil;
lastUsedCount = 0;
lastUsedSet = (
lccn = nil;
lentHistorySet = (
linksSet = (
0x14cad0f0 <x-coredata:///Link/t53D1C6C9-3A99-4231-8947-F63C71B4B9BD713>
locale = nil;
location = nil;
lowestNewPrice = nil;
lowestUsedPrice = nil;
myRating = 0;
notes = nil;
onSale = 0;
pageMark = nil;
pages = 354;
paid = nil;
placePublished = nil;
placedForSaleAt = nil;
price = nil;
producer = nil;
publisher = nil;
purchasedAt = nil;
purchasedOn = nil;
rating = nil;
releaseDate = nil;
series = nil;
signed = 0;
similarProductsSet = (
soldOn = nil;
soldPrice = nil;
sortTitle = nil;
status = 0;
subjects = Economics;
summary = nil;
tags = "# Paperback: 322 pages
\n# Publisher: Routledge; 2 ";
title = "Fifty Major Economists";
translator = nil;
uid = 3144;
upc = nil;
url = nil;
NSValidationErrorValue = Relationship objects for {(
)} on 0x1400d290;
Bruji Friend
Bruji Friend
Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Apr 30, 2010 10:37 pm

Re: Problems Adding PDFs in Bookpedia

Post by jwolf79 »

Wanted to mention that I got a lot of these messages in Console as well. Hope it helps:

01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 4.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 5.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 6.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 0.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 1.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 2.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 3.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 4.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 0.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 1.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 2.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 3.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 4.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 0.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 1.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 2.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 3.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 4.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 0.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 1.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 2.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 3.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 4.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 5.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 6.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 7.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 8.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 9.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 1.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 2.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 3.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 4.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 0.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 1.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 2.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 3.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 4.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 0.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 1.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 2.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 3.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 4.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 0.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 1.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 2.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 3.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 4.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 5.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 6.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 7.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 0.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 1.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 2.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 3.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 4.
01/05/2010 14:39:42 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 0.
01/05/2010 14:39:43 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 2.
01/05/2010 14:39:43 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 3.
01/05/2010 14:39:43 [0x0-0x38038].com.bruji.bookpedia[351] invalid `Kids' array: missing or invalid dictionary at index 4.
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Re: Problems Adding PDFs in Bookpedia

Post by Conor »

Thank you for the feedback. We have added a confirmation for skipping or adding duplicates to the latest Bookpedia beta 25. Please download it and give it a try.

As for the more serious bug it's seems to be an issue with the PDF data not being formatted correctly. There is some data it's having trouble importing and then quitting before finishing the import for that item. I have changed the beta to be more lenient and import the information it does understand for a given PDF instead of reporting an error. If you do not mind please email us the following PDF so we can make sure to import all the possible data as well as pin-point find the issue this PDF might have:

Fifty Major Economists by Steven Pressman
Bruji Friend
Bruji Friend
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Joined: Fri Apr 30, 2010 10:37 pm

Re: Problems Adding PDFs in Bookpedia

Post by jwolf79 »

Hi Conor, thanks for the swift reply and revisions of the beta.

Unfortunately, I have already deleted that particular file from my PDF collection, so I can't send it to you. But if it happens again with another PDF, I'll let you know.

In general, I am very happy with Bookpedia. I use it primarily to organize my very large collection of eBooks (and regular books as well). I realise it may not have originally been designed to deal with users like me, but I'm happy to see that development is moving in that direction.

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Re: Problems Adding PDFs in Bookpedia

Post by Alex »

We do have plans to keep developing Bookpedia so as to make it more useful with eBooks since they are becoming more popular.
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