Hello all!
I love DVDpedia (version 4.6.1). I am working on my Database every day. Meanwhile I have roughly 900 DVDs and some BlueRays in my DVDpedia. I am updating my entries only with imdb.com I am mentioning this, because in an earlier thread somebody is complaining about freezes with imdb.com
But my DVDpedia is freezing independently of this action. I am running the MacOS with the actual updates (OS 10.6.4). The freezing happens after the spinning ball is appearing - about every five days ... Only a "force quit" allows me to restart DVDpedia and work again.
The Database in ~/Library/Application\ Support/DVDpedia/Database.pediadata is now 3.2M Is this to big? By the way: I don't like software, where the data are stored in an other folder than ~/Documents . If you forget to backup this folder ~/Library you may loose all your work ... (Also Thunderbird is storing the database here!) Other try to explain the freezes: does DVDpedia is trying to make a backup, when the spinning ball is appearing? I see in my DVDpedia folder following files:
2.9M Aug 27 11:11 backup1Month.pediadata
2.8M Jul 28 20:04 backup2Months.pediadata
2.5M Jun 27 22:05 backup3Months.pediadata
Thank you for DVDpedia - it is a marvelous work, although I am complaining here of some freezes
DVDpedia is freezing
Re: DVDpedia is freezing
Hi Marek,
Thank you for the bug report. Could you email us a sample of DVDpedia when frozen. To do this keep DVDpedia running and use the program called Activity Monitor. Select DVDpedia and press the sample button. Save that sample as a file to attach to an email. It should let us know what DVDpedia is thinking about while frozen. Also Apple might write out more information to your log files when force quitting, so take a look at ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/DVDpedia....
With DVDpedia not running you can move the data folder from your application support folder into documents and then launch DVDpedia while holding down the option key to tell it to use the new location for the data folder. Although it's still good to backup your library folder on a regular basis, a lot of personal information is contained there including serial numbers, passwords and mail as you pointed out.
Thank you for the bug report. Could you email us a sample of DVDpedia when frozen. To do this keep DVDpedia running and use the program called Activity Monitor. Select DVDpedia and press the sample button. Save that sample as a file to attach to an email. It should let us know what DVDpedia is thinking about while frozen. Also Apple might write out more information to your log files when force quitting, so take a look at ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/DVDpedia....
With DVDpedia not running you can move the data folder from your application support folder into documents and then launch DVDpedia while holding down the option key to tell it to use the new location for the data folder. Although it's still good to backup your library folder on a regular basis, a lot of personal information is contained there including serial numbers, passwords and mail as you pointed out.
Re: DVDpedia is freezing
Thank you Conor for your quick reply! I did not expected such a prompt answer, specially on Sunday 
Bugreport is a good idea! ooooups! I have nothing in the indicated folder (~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/) ... Sorry! In the root folder /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/ is nothing either. An grep for DVDpedia in the following folder, is giving nothing: /Library/Application Support/CrashReporter
Is there a CrashReporter.app on Mac? Nothing in Utilities ... There are some integrated in Thunderbird and Firefox but not for MacOS???
So I will wait impatiently the spinning ball, working on my database with DVDpedia.
Thank you again!
ps: great tip to move the database out of ~/Library/Application\ Support/DVDpedia/ into ~/Documents !!! I should have found this on myself! So simple and Macintosh like ...

Bugreport is a good idea! ooooups! I have nothing in the indicated folder (~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/) ... Sorry! In the root folder /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/ is nothing either. An grep for DVDpedia in the following folder, is giving nothing: /Library/Application Support/CrashReporter
Is there a CrashReporter.app on Mac? Nothing in Utilities ... There are some integrated in Thunderbird and Firefox but not for MacOS???
So I will wait impatiently the spinning ball, working on my database with DVDpedia.
Thank you again!
ps: great tip to move the database out of ~/Library/Application\ Support/DVDpedia/ into ~/Documents !!! I should have found this on myself! So simple and Macintosh like ...