importing iTunes playlists into CDpedia

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importing iTunes playlists into CDpedia

Post by Dave_R »

I used to have all my music on 3 different external drives in 3 different libraries (I'd just Option-Click iTunes when opening to choose which library I wanted). Now i've combined all my music into 1 library on 1 external drive but I now have an issue importing playlists into CDpedia. I buy all my music in iTunes or the Amazon MP3 store and what I had been doing was buy an album, drag it to a playlist in iTunes called "Not in CDpedia", and when I had a bunch of new albums in that playlist I'd open up CDpedia and import it. Worked great, but now that I've combined my libraries when I try and import the new "Not in CDpedia" playlist the dropdown menu in CDpedia only offers the old playlists to import, not the new one. I can't figure out how to get my new albums into CDpedia now. I've refreshed iTunes tracks in CDpedia several times.

If I haven't explained the problem clearly let me know and I'll try to clarify. Thanks for any help!
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Re: importing iTunes playlists into CDpedia

Post by Nora »

Here's how you can make CDpedia 'forget' where your iTunes library is located so that it'll scan your computer again for the correct one:

Quit CDpedia and run the application Terminal found in Applications/Utilities. Into the window that opens, copy paste the following line, followed by a return:

Code: Select all

defaults delete com.bruji.cdpedia "iTunes Library XML"
After that restart CDpedia and try importing a playlist from iTunes to have the program re-scan for your iTunes library. If CDpedia can't find your library because it's not in the default location (~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml), the program will ask you where your library is located.
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Re: importing iTunes playlists into CDpedia

Post by Dave_R »

Thanks, Nora!

The terminal command actually didn't work, so I manually moved the old library to another location so CDpedia couldn't find it, then I just pointed CDPedia to the new library file on the external drive. Works perfect again!

Great customer service, as always! You guys are the best.

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Re: importing iTunes playlists into CDpedia

Post by Nora »

Sorry about that! :oops: But I'm glad you managed to fix the problem anyway.
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