changing the "link" button

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Bruji Friend
Bruji Friend
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changing the "link" button

Post by kaerf75 »

hi all,

i´m using dvdpedia for several years now and i´m more than happy with it (thank you!!).

i´ve got a question concerning the link button: is it possible to change the image for this? i´d like to do it by myself... the reason for this? i´ve downloaded the trailer for all my movies (round about 450). i don´t link anything to the movie except the trailer. so i´d like to change the image of the link button to a film-strip-like image...

you would do me a big favor describing me where i can find the button so that i´m able to change it...

best regards
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Re: changing the "link" button

Post by Conor »

Hi Daniel,

Glad you are enjoying DVDpedia, no problem in changing the icon. The link image is stored inside DVDpedia. Control click and choose "Show Package Contents" then navigate to the folder Contents/Resources. There replace the file "paperclip.png" with your new image of a filmstrip. The image should be at most 17 pixel high and 20 wide, but will be resized automatically if necessary (it also not need be PNG, but must be named with the extension .png). Do keep a copy of your image elsewhere as you will need to drop it back in after an update of DVDpedia.

Bruji Friend
Bruji Friend
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Re: changing the "link" button

Post by kaerf75 »

Hi Conor,

thank you for your answer. i´m not sure if we talking about the same thing. here´s n image of the button i mean:


this does not seam to be the same as the "paperclip" image, does it?

best regards
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Re: changing the "link" button

Post by Conor »

I thought we where talking about the status column. That image is also inside DVDpedia but in the framework at: and it's selected brother is linksToolbarSelected.png if you would like to change that one as well.
Bruji Friend
Bruji Friend
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Re: changing the "link" button

Post by kaerf75 »

THANK YOU!! That solved my problem :)
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