how to transfer Bookpedia bought by the web to the App Store

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Bruji Friend
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how to transfer Bookpedia bought by the web to the App Store

Post by marco.24 »


Ive bought bookpedia on the website, and I would like to manage all my app in the App Store (if possible of course)
So, I would like to know how to make a "buy-in", or something else, so that :
- the App Store displays Bookpedia in the Purchased tab
- and the App Store will managed the up to date

Regards, (I hope that I'm understood with my english level :wink: )

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Re: how to transfer Bookpedia bought by the web to the App S

Post by Nora »

Unfortunately that's not possible at the moment.
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Re: how to transfer Bookpedia bought by the web to the App S

Post by marco.24 »


Thanks, no problem for that.
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Re: how to transfer Bookpedia bought by the web to the App S

Post by Conor »

Mac App Store is still 1.0, hopefully in the future there will be a way to do that for all your apps.
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