Disable spotlight integration for v5?

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Disable spotlight integration for v5?

Post by noisyscott »


Thanks as always for the pedias. I have been moved over to v5 now and have found that I am unable disable the spotlight integration. It is a lovely feature, but I find that it clutters up my spotlight search results and in general I prefer not to have it enabled. Can you please re-enable the Spotlight checkbox in the help menu (like we had in v4) or come up with some other method to enable/disable it? Either that or let me know how to manually edit my com.bruji.dvdpedia.plist file to disable the indexing and I would be very grateful.

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Re: Disable spotlight integration for v5?

Post by Nora »

Thanks for pointing that out Scott. You're right that at the moment there is no option to turn off the Spotlight search (Apple forces us to use their version of the Spotlight feature now and it was more complicated to include a turn-off option). But Conor's finagled it into the beta so please download beta 1 and let us know if turning off Spotlight works for you there. (Please note that you'll have to restart the program for the change to take effect.)
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Re: Disable spotlight integration for v5?

Post by sjk »

Are any other changes in this new beta and are they mentioned somewhere I've overlooked? That'll help me decide if it's worthwhile to download and test. Thanks.
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Re: Disable spotlight integration for v5?

Post by Nora »

No, so far only the Spotlight search option has been changed.
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Re: Disable spotlight integration for v5?

Post by noisyscott »

Wow, that was fast!

Yup, works a treat. Thank you Nora and Conor!

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