Retrieve cover art from iPad

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Retrieve cover art from iPad

Post by dlormans »

Can I retrieve the cover art from an iPad (Pocketpedia)? Without going into to much detail, I've had a crash and lost my pedia database. Syncing with my iPhone returned the data but no covers are showing.(And removed all the covers from the iPhone.) Is there a way that I can get the Mac version to download the covers from my iPad when I sync? I have over 2,000 movies and don't want to have to recreate the cover art! I have attempted to retrieve the pedia backup from my Time Capsule but for some reason I can't access it.
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Re: Retrieve cover art from iPad

Post by Conor »

Sorry to hear about your computer crash.

Just in case here is the information for your Time Capsule, the covers should be in a folder named covers in your data folder for the Pedias by default in ~/Library/Application Support/DVDpedia/Covers. This is the best solution if you can find them there, as the covers would be original and not scaled down for the iPad or iPhone screen size.

The best would be to retrieve the images from online data sources. If you have exact IDs, such as dog tags, ASIN or IMDb numbers you can select all the movies and then control click on the image well on the bottom left and select the "Download from..." contextual menu item and the correct database.

Otherwise the main menu "Movie -> Update From... Doghouse" is very good about making accurate matches to your movies based on the title and other information and will add the cover as well as any missing information. You can do this one in batches of selections so that you can quickly verify via the cover that it got the right one and if not undo the changes. Especially important if using other database other than Doghouse that will not give you as good results on an automated search.

To retrieve from the iPad download the beta version of the program and it will download the images on a sync when importing from the iPhone on an empty database. To empty your database quit DVDpedia and go to your data folder mentioned above and remove the database file (~/Library/Application Support/DVDpedia/Database.dvdpd). When you launch DVDpedia it should have 0 entries and then a sync will pull data from Pocketpedia again.

There is a bug in Pocketpedia (already fixed for the next version) that it does not know it's a restore and hence will only send data when there have been changes. So before doing the sync be sure to make a few changes to movies on the iPad. You can rate a movie by changing the stars or add a comment into the comments field. Then Pocketpedia will be sure to send the database over to DVDpedia and DVDpedia will do a full restore and the beta version will also ask for the covers.
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