I find myself with two questions, though...
1. iSight. I click the iSight button under "add," and it brings up an iSight window. However, that's as far as I get. Is there a key combination or something that tells it to "scan now!" or is that supposed to be automatic? I've tried lighting the DVDs in different ways and waving various barcodes in front of the camera... but all it seems to do is show me an image of myself foolishly trying to get it to do something. What am I missing here? (by the way, I'm using a 1.83 GHz Inter Core Duo iMac, 1 GB memory, OSX 10.4.

2. Sometimes, searches last... forever (well, a couple of minutes). This usually happens when the search comes up with an empty template, and almost invariably with Yesasia searches ("Boys are Easy", for instance). Perhaps, for some future release, there's a way to tell it if the search isn't returning any data, skip to the next entry...? Even better, maybe a list of search results in a table, from which we can choose the movie we're actually trying to find, rather than load each of them one-by-one until we hit the right one (sometimes, this can take 10 minutes or more). Just a suggestion...