Separate fields for author first and last names in Bookpedia

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Separate fields for author first and last names in Bookpedia

Post by lestatdelc »

Bookpedia needs separate first and last name data entry fields for authors, so that the software alphabetizes by last name. Almost all listings of authors are always by last name, not first. As an example, everyone looks under S for Shakespeare not W for William. Not sure if this messes with the underlying database structure, but this is a major oversight. Other than that, I am really loving the software so far.
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Re: Separate fields for author first and last names in Bookpedia

Post by Jonas »

I only use DVDpedia, but there you can hold down the option key while clicking on the column header to flip between sorting by last name or first name.
I guess it is the same with all the pedias.
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Re: Separate fields for author first and last names in Bookpedia

Post by lestatdelc »

Jonas wrote:...hold down the option key while clicking on the column header to flip between sorting by last name or first name.
Thanks. That worked. This may have been in the "help" menu of the pedia and I missed it, but if not (or even if it is) this might be made more obvious to new users this feature is important seeing as most libraries, book stores and collections go by an author's last name.

Re: Separate fields for author first and last names in Bookpedia

Post by Beiju »

I agree, this needs to be more widely known. I had resorted to making a custom field and entering all the authors names again in last, first format. This tip is a HUGE help.
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Re: Separate fields for author first and last names in Bookpedia

Post by Midori »

Thing is, I do not know if it is because I have a mix of Japanese, English, American, French, and a few other nationalities, but, for example, A.A. Milnes is at the beginning instead of M, no matter if I put "A. A." or "A.A.", and some names do not get sorted at all. When it is first name last name as such with full names it works, but not for a good handful of special cases. Is there a way to tell bookpedia "now, that one you are sorting it wrong, check again?"

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Re: Separate fields for author first and last names in Bookpedia

Post by Conor »

There is no way to change the author sort information on a case by case basis. It should be able to sort "A.A. Milnes" with "M", this is what I get in my tests. Please, if you don't mind sending us your Database.pediadata file so we can try it out with your information. It could be as you mentioned that this is a special bug that is related to having multiple languages or do our run your OS X in Japanese? By the way, congratulations on the upcoming baby.
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