DVDpedia "corrupt" ?

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DVDpedia "corrupt" ?

Post by andreas32 »

DVDpedia 4.2.1 (just now seeing there's a 4.2.2 but want to fix this problem before updating) on a G5/1.8mHz/3GB running 10.4.11 -- This morning while adding multiple titles via Edit/Add Multiple DVDs, the app gave me a "corrupted database" type message and asked if it could rebuild the database. Of course I said yes. Several minutes passed with no indication it was doing anything, and with the main window showing no Library/Collections. MenuMeters was showing 100% CPU so I shut down/quit all other open applications to let DVDpedia use all the CPU available. Finally, after at least 10 minutes, the Library and Collections came back, but all the Buttons at the top of the window were greyed out. Use of the dropdown menus appeared to work (but I didn't make any changes to the databases.) I quit the application and reopened it to the same conditions -- Buttons greyed out, dropdown menus appearing to work. I immediately attempted to backup the database via the dropdown menu. A full 30 minutes later, there was still no backup files so I quit the application and attempted to restart the computer. MirrorAgent wouldn't allow the restart or the Shutdown. Since I do my backups to a separate internal drive and not dot-mac, I don't know why this was happening. I have the dot-mac preferences set for manual synch only, and haven't done any synching with dot-mac for more than 3 weeks. I have in the past allowed DVDpedia to interact with my dot-mac account but always on a manual basis. (Too much information perhaps but then again, it might figure in with the problem.)

After the computer restart, I started up DVDpedia again. The Buttons at the top of the window are now "active" but not how they are supposed to be --- clicking on Add functions as the Info; Edit opens the Export options; Amazon opens iMDb... Yet using the dropdown menu options, everything works as it should. Weird, eh? Oh yeah... all of this craziness started with what would have been real close to the 5000-th title to the database. (Multiple titles to the database that was already at 4996 so I can't be sure the exact title that started all this.)

I've backed up/Exported via the menu, and await your wise thoughts on what I should do next. Thanks.
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Re: DVDpedia "corrupt" ?

Post by Conor »

Hi Andreas,

Thank you for the detailed post. Unfortunately I can't think of any reason why DVDpedia would behave in such a strange way. Especially the description of the menu doing the wrong things. Since you mention you have a backup I would go ahead and upgrade to the latest version. Don't use the self update feature, remove all the versions of DVDpedia from your computer and then download a fresh copy from our website. Also remove the preference file, located in ~/Library/Preferences/com.bruji.dvdpedia.plist (have your serial number handy as you will need to re-register after deleting this file). After this spring cleaning you should be up to date and with everything working smoothly. If you continue to have problems after that, do email us your Database.pediadata from ~/Library/Application Support/DVDpedia. In fact, you can never be too careful I would create a copy of this folder as an additional backup before starting the update (this is actually what the internal back feature does, create a zipped up copy).
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Re: DVDpedia "corrupt" ?

Post by andreas32 »

Apologies for the delay in reporting back. I deleted/installed per instructions (after a full restart) and everything seemed to be working without any weirdness until I went to quit the application. I'm not able to get a clean quit -- the OS gives me one of those messages about a sudden quit and do I want to report, close, reopen. I always reopen (from earlier days when not doing so in some apps meant the preferences got corrupted) and the app runs fine. I've had this happen three times now since the delete/install. I've noticed there's a new version which I intend to install to see if it corrects the quit problem, once I run some maintenance routines.

Thanks for the assistance thus far. I can live with any quit problems.
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Re: DVDpedia "corrupt" ?

Post by Conor »

Thank you for the follow up. The more information you give us the better we can track down any bugs. The crash reports are quite useful, you can locate past crash reports in your home folder at ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/DVDpedia.crash.log Do let us know how things continue once you perform the maintenance. The repair permissions found in Disk Utility sometimes works like magic.
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Re: DVDpedia "corrupt" ?

Post by andreas32 »

I didn't notice until today the main Library has lost more than 800 titles going from 5000 to 4200. The collections that were excluded/included have remained the same, so until I can restore from an earlier backup (and then delete the +4000 duplicates) I won't know which titles have disappeared.

What is the largest Library anyone has used with DVDpedia?
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