Automatically add the first result

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Automatically add the first result

Post by mikic »

This feature is very useful but it has a "fault". If the added result is wrong and the user want to modify it, he must go to the preference pane, uncheck the option, redo the search and then re-check the option for the next searches. For many entries this routine become a bit annoying. Is it possible for this feature to work a bit different?

PS: hope to be quite clear.
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Re: Automatically add the first result

Post by Conor »

You can disable the add first result preference momentarily by holding down the option key when clicking on the search button. This was added in a recent version and might have not made it all the way to the help file yet. I'll be sure to add this information into the help file for the next release.
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Re: Automatically add the first result

Post by sjk »

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