The Incremental Collection ID

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Rui Guerreiro
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The Incremental Collection ID

Post by Rui Guerreiro »

Hi there everyone!

I've been having some fun with Bookpedia after costumizing it to my needs, and it was worth it. Awesome software!
Now, I'm having some trouble with the Incremental Collection ID. What happens is, I've started it with a customized alphanumeric ID which goes like this BG.0001' , and after the ' I add the last three letters of the author's last name, so I thought I had a pretty functional system, but it's often failling, because a lot of times I need to go to the Edit/Incremental Collection ID menu and start from a new number... I mean, yesterday for example, I ended up at BG.0038' , closed Bookpedia and went back to it this morning, and when I went to add a new book manually, the ID field had the same BG.0038' from the last book I add. This happens a lot, and the only way to get things back in order is to change the automatic incremental ID to BG.0039' ...
In case you're wondering, yes, I have the Increment Automatically For New Additions check box on...
Any ideas what might be the cause of this? Should I try something?

Thaks a lot.

All the best,
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Re: The Incremental Collection ID

Post by Conor »

If you modify the collection ID before adding the book, the incremental count does not get incremented. This was in order to be able to adjust collection IDs on the fly for certain new books without affecting the current number count. Try the beta version as I have updated the code to only look for the prefix of collection ID to match the current incremental ID before incrementing, this should allow you to append the author's name to the collection ID and still have it increment the number.
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Rui Guerreiro
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Re: The Incremental Collection ID

Post by Rui Guerreiro »

Hey Conor,
I'll give it a try latter tonight and see how it goes.

Thanks a lot.
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