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Post by kbarnes70 »

Hi Conor, Nora, Alex...

I got my iPad a couple of days ago - the day they were released in the UK and I have to say I am totally blown away by it. I expected it to be great but I didn't realise just *how* great. Some of the dedicated apps are awesome - for example, the IMDb app is actually a better experience than their main web site! The way the developers have used the iPad's interactive interface is nothing short of amazing. Browsing the IMDb has never been a better, more involving experience. (You know where this is going, don't you? :D ) I know about the problems with Amazon and how they consider it OK for the Pedias to be used on a laptop, or a netbook but not on an iPad - weird eh? And I know that the Bookpedia and CDpedia and Gamepedia users need Amazon as an info source. But us DVDpedia fans don't. We have the glorious IMDb and any number of other sources for information. So, despite it seeming a little excluding, how about a dedicated iPad version of DVDpedia that excluded all Amazon data and left us with IMDb and the other sources? Just until they see sense. And when they do, then the other Pedias could follow and DVDpedia could be updated to include Amazon again. I'd be more than happy to pay for a Pocket DVDpedia - in fact I see no reason why it should be a free App as the original Pocketpedias were. Any thoughts? Anyone else using DVDpedia who would think this would be A Good Thing?

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Re: iPad

Post by Conor »

We are looking forward to developing for the iPad. It's a whole new way of computing, new interface and new interactions with your digital content. It is true that DVDpedia hasmore sources than the other Pedias, such as the open TheMovieDB.org due to the higher adoption rate of movies to the digital format. However, we don't want to leave any Pedia behind. We rather concentrate our time on fixing the Amazon issue so that we can then bring the best experience to the iPad without any caveats that users might have to worry about.
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Re: iPad

Post by kbarnes70 »

Conor wrote: However, we don't want to leave any Pedia behind. We rather concentrate our time on fixing the Amazon issue so that we can then bring the best experience to the iPad without any caveats that users might have to worry about.
Hi Conor,

I take your points. But rather than seeing the other Pedia users being left behind, how about if we look at it as the DVDpedia users blazing the trail? :) They're four separate programs after all. And who knows - Amazon may never change their adopted position!

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Re: iPad

Post by alwaysbetterinhawaii »

The Amazon issue could take ages as we all know how slow these corporate companies are in solving these problems.

I totally agree with Keith in saying that DVDpedia is a must HAVE for the iPad. It has been so long since we had the iPhone app that and now that many users have an iPad (yes, I ditched the iPhone for an iPad !), DVDpedia would not only LOOK GREAT, it would be an invaluable tool for those who buy hundreds of DVDs/Blu-rays.

I find myself NOT using the export feature of DVDpedia on my iMac simply because I find it NOT at par with the app itself.

And really, 99% of the times, the data coming from Amazon is either incomplete or wrong and that's one of the reasons why I always use IMDB which is far more precise than any other databases.

Last BUT NOT least: what's the big deal in leaving the Amazon search out on an iPad/iPhone DVDpedia app until the issue is resolved ? Why can't you just release the DVDpedia app for iPhone/iPad/iPod without it and simply add it when Amazon comes to sense?

By NOT doing so, you're kinda punishing all your loyal customers who are left out without an outstanding tool in the hands.

Call it an update, call it and added feature. It does NOT have to be there right away as I know for a fact that Amazon would more likely NOT change its mind and we'll be spending years waiting for a DVDpedia iPad App.
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Re: iPad

Post by Alex »

It's not just a question of the mobile data. It's simply a matter of the fact that if we ever had a mobile app that syncs with our pedias in any way, the Desktop applications would no longer be able to talk to Amazon in any way so we'd really be "punishing" a lot more users.

There are numerous posts in this forum where this is discussed at greater length, here's one for example:

http://bruji.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f= ... a&start=15

So our intention is to be able to divorce ourselves from Amazon entirely but that will take a bit of time to do properly. We're working on it though and are very excited about the iPad possibilities.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that IMDB is owned by Amazon so for example switching to IMDB is not necessarily a long term solution.
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Re: iPad

Post by FungManHin »

i dont know/quite understand how all that syncing stuff works but why does the ipad/mobile device have to sync with the desktop version? why can't the ipad/mobile version be it's own separate program? i mean, cant we just export our lists on the desktop versions and import it into the ipad/mobile version and vice versa? it seems like it would be easier to have seperate programs.

but like i said, i don't know how that stuff works, so please excuse my ignorance.

p.s. thank you for providing THE best dvd cataloger i've ever come across. i look forward to an ipad version in the future :)
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Re: iPad

Post by kbarnes70 »

Alex wrote:It's not just a question of the mobile data. It's simply a matter of the fact that if we ever had a mobile app that syncs with our pedias in any way, the Desktop applications would no longer be able to talk to Amazon in any way so we'd really be "punishing" a lot more users.
Hi Alex,

I'm not sure it would be much of a loss to DVDpedia users if Amazon data was entirely excluded from the desktop AND the iPad versions. As alwaysbetterinhawaii (!) says, the Amazon movie data is incomplete, innacurate and largely useless anyway, compared with the IMDb data.

If the 4 pedias were treated as separate programs, Amazon could be retained for the other three and DVDpedia could be unique in that it had no connections with Amazon at all. That would solve the problem of a mobile app synching with DVDpedia. For ages now I have not added any DVDs to my collection using Amazon, but prefer to add them from the way more accurate IMDb and I am sure many other users would feel the same.

It does seem as if the 3 other pedias are wagging the dog here - I fully understand why Amazon is crucial to the other pedias, but it just plain is not crucial to DVDpedia. I suspect that Amazon will *never* allow you to synch with a mobile device which means that, under the current stance, we will never get an iPad version. Developing your own database is a laudable objective, but it will never be as comprehensive or as credible as the IMDb database. It is that link which makes DVDpedia a credible and reliable cataloguing tool for people like me who has a substantial collection which grows almost daily.

Please don't take this in any negative way - I am the strongest supporter of DVDpedia and the program is my most used Mac application after Safari and Mail. The iPhone version is/was excellent but is limited by the screen size. One only has to look at IMDb's own iPad App to see the potential for an iPad DVDpedia. The ability to have a fully usable DVDpedia *on my lap* while actually watching a movie would be stupendous.

Thanks for listening, as always.

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Re: iPad

Post by adamhh »

Seconded (or thirded!). Amazon info sucks. IMDB is much more accurate, and Discogs better for CDs. Though for books I'm less sure there's a suitable alternative.

I'm frustrated by the Amazon thing. Such leviathans are rubbish on customer service (at least anything they can't extract cash from) and I can't imagine minnows like Bruji (class act though we know it is) are big on their radar - unless they want to gobble up Bruji too. I'm upset they own IMDB. Man, that database never should have left Wales. Stay small and customer oriented Bruji - it's why we love you.
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Re: iPad

Post by kbarnes70 »

adamhh wrote:Seconded (or thirded!). Amazon info sucks. IMDB is much more accurate, and Discogs better for CDs. Though for books I'm less sure there's a suitable alternative.

I'm frustrated by the Amazon thing. Such leviathans are rubbish on customer service (at least anything they can't extract cash from) and I can't imagine minnows like Bruji (class act though we know it is) are big on their radar - unless they want to gobble up Bruji too. I'm upset they own IMDB. Man, that database never should have left Wales. Stay small and customer oriented Bruji - it's why we love you.
Agreed with every word. I can't imagine a company as non-customer-focused as Amazon really caring too much about what Bruji want either. I would love an iPad version of DVDpedia - I'd even pay extra for it too. I suspect that if we are waiting for Amazon to have an epiphany, we may be waiting some time...

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Re: iPad

Post by Nora »

that database never should have left Wales
IMDb was started in Wales? Seriously? I had no idea.. :)
if we are waiting for Amazon to have an epiphany
We're not banking on that either because it might happen. Instead we're building our own database to replace Amazon in the Pedias.
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Re: iPad

Post by kbarnes70 »

Nora wrote: We're not banking on that either because it might happen. Instead we're building our own database to replace Amazon in the Pedias.
And if that annoys amazon some more and they refuse you access to IMDb? If that happens DVDpedia is finished.

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Re: iPad

Post by Nora »

Amazon won't mind that we build our own database to use. We will need lots of help from users to populate the database but we'll let you all know when we get to that stage. :)
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Re: iPad

Post by kbarnes70 »

Nora wrote:Amazon won't mind that we build our own database to use. We will need lots of help from users to populate the database but we'll let you all know when we get to that stage. :)
OK. Personally I can't see the point of all the effort for DVDpedia because no matter how good it is it will never be as good as IMDb. Still seems simpler to me to just build a version of DVDpedia that ignores Amazon altogether.

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Re: iPad

Post by adamhh »

Nora wrote: IMDb was started in Wales? Seriously? I had no idea.. :)

We're not banking on that either because it might happen. Instead we're building our own database to replace Amazon in the Pedias.
Yep, little old Wales, well they needed something to do when they couldn't dig coal :wink: It should be said that as soon as it looked like it might be something, they moved to California. Ah well.

The new database idea is very interesting. I've often thought that the pool of data we pedia users hold, if it could be shared, might be really valuable. My 3000+ entries catalogues even weird and obscure films (yep stuff that imdb doesn't even have). If that could be fed back somehow or at least read by other users it might be handy for someone else... somewhere... you know, that one freak who shares a similarly anal-retentive desire for a path less beaten. 8)

This could firm up the bruji-hood. A web 2.0 community thing. Very interesting...
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Re: iPad

Post by sjk »

kbarnes70 wrote:… I can't see the point of all the effort for DVDpedia because no matter how good it is it will never be as good as IMDb.
Seems that way to me, too.
adamhh wrote:The new database idea is very interesting. I've often thought that the pool of data we pedia users hold, if it could be shared, might be really valuable.
Pool what data? Any of mine in DVDpedia that seems worthwhile enough to publicly share already came/comes from IMDb and Amazon. It's not like I've got anything new to contribute aside from bits of personal metadata of insignificant general interest.

So, I'm curious what a "new database" is intended to offer other than unfettered access for 'pedia software (at least), including mobile client usage. Without replication of data that already exists in other public dbs I don't see how it could be sufficiently populated to actually be useful in practice.

Puzzled by this … what am I overlooking?
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