iPhone and Pedias

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iPhone and Pedias

Post by bernard »

I did a very bad thing last year. I've upgraded my Book and DVDpedias and I'm no longer able to synchronize them with my iPhone. On the Swiss Store, I've never seen an update to Pocketpedia 2 and I can't complete my list of SF books.
I've looked everywhere and did not find any way to put my book list on an iPhone. It will work on an iPod, but not an iPhone. Has anybody an idea ?
I only need to keep a list of the books I already own, with some informations and an image of the cover, in order to avoid buying twice the same book !
A simple application on the iPhone, which displays the informations I've on my MacBook Pro will not undergo the thunders of Amazon and be very useful.
Thanks for any help.
B. Scherler
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Re: iPhone and Pedias

Post by bernard »

Ok, as I've read that it's not possible to synchronize an iPhone via USB due to Apple limitations, I've tried to use PhoneView... which, in fact, uses the USB connexion.
Than, I've exported my collection of books as an HTML folder on the desktop of my MacBook Pro. After that, I copied this folder in the FileMagnet Folder shown in the "Apps" data on the left column of PhoneView. And it works. I've also tried the same process with Air Sharing (through PhoneView), but it quits abruptly (too big ?). Apparently, PhoneView is the only way to put a folder in an Air Sharing or FileMagnet documents folder. The File Sharing option, at the bottom of the "apps" tab in iTunes, doesn't accept anything else than files - no folders.
Now, I have a recent list of my books in my iPhone 4 where I can see the covers and read the informations.

Thanks Bernard.

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Re: iPhone and Pedias

Post by Conor »

If you still have Pocketpedia1 on the iPhone be sure to check your sync settings. There is a secret debug window for the iPhone that appears if you hold down the option key and select the help menu and choose Pocketpedia. Do make sure that the "Old Connection" check box is activated in that window and restart your Pedia. That setting should have been activated automatically for you, since you are a user of the old Pocketpedia, but it's worth checking just in case.

Otherwise we have heard good things about Good Reader, a decent PDF viewer for iPhone and iPad. You can then create PDFs from the print or HTML export templates in the Pedias, "Save as PDF" on the bottom left of a Print dialog window and use the new iTunes file sharing in iOS 4.0 that does allow the transfer of files via the USB.
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Re: iPhone and Pedias

Post by bernard »

Impeccable, works faultlessly !
Many thanks,

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