DVDpedia exports

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DVDpedia exports

Post by Norah »

When I do a tab delimited export of a TV collection, I'm running into a couple of issues:
1. "My rating" only comes out as a 2 (for one star), a 4 (for two stars) or 0 (for everything else)
2. "Season" exports as a yes/no field, so I don't have any actual season info.

Is there a way that I can switch these?

Also, I really miss the "open in IMDB" option - now it only seems to work if I've actually downloaded the info from IMDB (making it the URL). A large portion of my collection is TV and I don't download episode information until a while after it airs to give it time for all the complete and correct info to get there. Is manually putting the IMDB site in the URL field the only way to get it to open the site so I can check who a guest star is (or air date/title/whatever else)?
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Re: DVDpedia exports

Post by Nora »

The export bugs are fixed in 5.0.1, thanks for letting us know about those.

To open an entry in IMDb, you can either click on the title of the details view (if the data came from IMDb originally) or click on the IMDb number in the details view (it'll be displayed in italics or a different color, depending on the template you have selected) or use the keyboard shortcut Command-Shift-I.
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