Need help syncing

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Need help syncing

Post by Minou »

I posted this under Doghouse. Maybe this is a better place?
I recently upgraded to Pocketpedia 3. Bookpedia, CDpedia, DVDpedia are all 5.1.1. I cannot for the life of me get my Macbook Pro to sync with my iphone. I'm not very computer literate, have read the help forum and am still unable to make it work. The message I get on my iphone is "Pedia Not Found Please launch or restart the pedia program on you mac." I've restarted the computer multiple times to no avail. Help please. Didn't have this much difficulty with Pocketpedia 2... And the difference between Doghouse and Pocketpedia 3? I'm confused.
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Re: Need help syncing

Post by Nora »

(I deleted your other post under Doghouse to avoid duplicates.)

Start by checking that your iPhone and your Mac are connected to the same wireless network. On your Mac, click on the Airport menu (the little quarter pie of lines that tells you the strength of your signal on the top right of your screen) and see what network has a little checkmark next to it. Then go into the Settings app on your iPhone and under Wi-Fi make sure that it is connected to the same network as your Mac.

If that's the case yet the connection still doesn't happen between the programs, try creating a direct network on your Mac through the Airport menu (that same little quarter pie you used before to check the name of the network). From that menu, select "Create Network", name the network whatever you like and press the OK button. Then go into the Settings app on your iPhone again and connect to that same network. Then restart the Pedias on your Mac try the sync in Pocketpedia again.

Doghouse is the Pedias' online database for searches. It's like any of the other search site options you find in the Pedia programs only it is built entirely for and by Pedia users from around the world. We always wanted to build a server like that since it gives us and our users much more power over the data available for the Pedias and since we've been having trouble with Amazon for the past few years (especially over Pocketpedia), Doghouse finally happened.

Pocketpedia3 on the other hand is the mobile companion app for the Pedia programs so that you can take your databases from the Mac along on the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
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Re: Need help syncing

Post by Minou »

Still no success in syncing. I've checked to make sure that Mac and iphone are on same network. I feel like I'm maybe missing something totally basic but still...missing it. When I click on iphone Pocketpedia 3, there is a sync button in top left corner, when I tap sync, same message keeps popping up "Pedia Not Found Please launch or restart the pedia program on you mac." Stymied. Is there possibly a phone number I can call so I could get walked through this? How exactly do I restart pedia program on my mac? I've restarted computer multiple times, but is there something pedia specific? Thanks Frances
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Re: Need help syncing

Post by Conor »

Restarting the Mac or the Pedia is all the needs to be done at that level. Simply by selecting "Quit" from the file menu and then double clicking "" again to launch them.

Do be sure to do the same for Pocketpedia. Tap home button once to go to your app screen. Now double tab the home button to show the recently used programs at the bottom. Tap and hold on Pocketpedia (first icon) and let the minus sign appear. Tap the minus sign to have Pocketpedia quit. Now tap the home button to stop the icons from jiggling. Tap Pocketpedia to launch it and try again.

If that does not work then it sound like you have an incompatible network setup. Do try the direct Airport network created with your Mac that Nora mentioned. Click on the airport menu and use create network and follow the instructions then on settings on the iPhone connect to that new network. Give it a distinct name so that there is no confusion.

If that fails we built a backup for transferring your data via iTunes USB cable. Hold down the option key on your Mac and click on the main "Help" menu. There will be a "Export for Pocketpedia..." command that will let you create a file with all your data and covers. You can then connect your iPhone via USB cable and in "iTunes->Apps->File Sharing" you can select Pocketpedia and drag and drop the created file called Pocketpedia.pocketpedia over to have iTunes sync it. Then when you launch Pocketpedia again on your phone it should show a progress message and take a few minutes to import all your information. This is not a two way sync, so changes done in Pocketpedia will not come back to the Pedias, but will let you have all your info on your phone and new additions need to be done on the Mac.

We don't have any telephone support but all the information that you might need is contained in the posts above. If you still have trouble try to get a computer savvy relative or person near your home that could take a look at these instructions and give you a hand.
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Re: Need help syncing

Post by Pebowski »

@Minou: You wrote,that it could be a basic thing. So let me ask you a basic question: Have you started all your Pedias on your Mac before you started Pocketpedia and tried to sync it? Because the Pedias on your Mac must run, before you can sync it.
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