Bookpedia: set default formats

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Bookpedia: set default formats

Post by vanderdecker »

Pretty much all books I'm adding these days are e-books-- and that's what I use for the Format field, since it's an acceptable (to me) catch-all for the different formats I use.

I wish I could set this as a default format when adding books. Often, the search result puts them in as "Kindle"; it may be that, but I'd prefer them to all automatically be simply "E-Book" which they will be 95% of the time.

I wish Bookpedia could I set that as a default so that BP automatically sets that for the Format field (a sort of "override" function).
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Re: Bookpedia: set default formats

Post by Conor »

Thank you for the feedback will take it into account to see if it's a feature we can add. In the meantime you can ignore the format field and then use the multiple-edit to change it to E-Books for all books in one go. If you only want to do them for recently added books you can use a special collection or a smart collection based on data added to separate the books you want to update. You can also turn off the format field in the preference if it's completely irrelevant for you.
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