Flat Design Details Templates

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Flat Design Details Templates

Post by FineWine »

Love what Robin Albeck has created in Flat Design Details Templates , very innovative. Myself and several others (Rigido) have all created our actor own headshot template and repository. (9,525 so far)

Reference previous discussions:
Credit Listing Photo Display & Database
Images in the Info View
Actor Headshot Thumbnail Photos/Images in Info View

Will Bruji be creating a repository of "actor's headshots"?

The major complaint I have with DougWeb's headshot collection is that there is no date against the files so you do not know when they were last updated. Perhaps if Bruji is going to keep a repository then a method needs to be put in place indicating which are the latest/newest images and which are not.

Perhaps Bruji could create a specific actor headshot image database that would then be accessed from within DVDpedia via the "Add" new and "Update from" facilities.

I know that this would entail a fair bit of work and inventiveness on the Bruji server end, involving a catalogue numbering system against the actors names that are associated against a particular movie. By associating the headshots to the movie you then get the correct "age of actor" for that movie for his/her acting life. But it would be very innovative as I believe no one else is doing that out there in the DVD cataloguing world. IMDb just seems to have a repository of photos and tends to use the same headshot for most of that actors movies. As far as the 'legality' of keeping a database of someone's images goes, well I source all of mine off google and so does DougWeb and their contributors. There are millions of paparazzi and movie promotional images out there in cyber space.

Users of these templates would also be able to update their own templates and the resulting images could then be contributed to the Bruji Doghouse server for Moderation, then inclusion into the actor image database.

Of course all this takes time and money by Bruji see here for my suggestion.

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Re: Flat Design Details Templates

Post by Conor »

Thank you for the extensive details.

Actor images is something that has starting to come up on our to do radar now with Doghouse and the enthusiasm behind the server. A major push behind all the recent technology changes was to be able to do more with Doghouse. Also get more for our users from each dollar that we put into Doghouse monthly.

With the new servers we have the backend to make something like this possible, the complexity comes in creating a submission process that would actually grow the database without too much noise on incorrect entries.

I had never actually thought about the grouping head shot by age, an actual capture from the movie would be almost ideal. Not sure the technology is quite there to facilitate such exactness. There a number of people who have tried to script this process for their own database. Mainly on the Windows side, relying on a number of software to bring it all together.

It's interesting idea who's time might come down the road, as it does take a very serious work commitment and planning. At the moment we are extremely concentrated on finishing the iOS 7 update for Pocketpedia as well as adding the final touches to the new Doghouse (technological bits) as to start adding enhancements (links for director listing and others).

But before all that a small holiday for the end of year celebrations. We would like to thank everybody who has helped during 2013 with beta testing and moderating. As well as a happy new year to all Bruji users.
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Re: Flat Design Details Templates

Post by FineWine »

Thank you for your reply Conor.
Conor wrote:I had never actually thought about the grouping head shot by age, an actual capture from the movie would be almost ideal. Not sure the technology is quite there to facilitate such exactness.
That would be ideal but as you say quite difficult to implement. A lot of actors go through a prolific stage in movie production then drop off for quite a while. Child and teen actors come to mind here, some never to be viewed again.

There really are only five stages in an actors life - Child, Prepubescent, Teen, Adult and Older Adult. Having JUST the five ages image database could make things simpler as when a user "Add's" or "Update from.." they can just choose the appropriate age image for the movie.
Conor wrote:There a number of people who have tried to script this process for their own database. Mainly on the Windows side, relying on a number of software to bring it all together.
Now if you could build that into DVDpedia, what a way to do things.

You would still need to implement a Moderator process though.

Cheers & Merry Christmas
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