database disk image is malformed

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database disk image is malformed

Post by aioman »

hi Support

somehow my database of bookpedia (the wishlist) got corrupted.

crash report in console:

Code: Select all

Bookpedia[1225]	Fatal error.  The database at /Users/helgebaurecker2014/Library/Application Support/Bookpedia/Database.bookpd is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
the wishlist was partly not editable anymore. i could navigate through the books but no edit them normally. so i deleted all books in the wishlist, one by one, use key shortcuts and it worked - but the list was empty but still amount 1 book - but the book itself in the list was visible anymore. and now i'm blocked, cant open any list anymore, blocked in the wishlist.

is there a way to clean the database?

using latest version of bookpedia and OX X 10.10.5 (iMac 27" from 2009), >3'500 books in my library...
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Re: database disk image is malformed

Post by Conor »

Thank you for the clear explanation and bug report. OS X should protect from incomplete changes being written to the database file, although rare anything can still happen. Bookpedia has a hidden "Verify Database" command that will go through and check the entire database. You can find it by holding down the option key and clicking on the "Help" menu in Bookpedia. Do run it, might get the missing book to show up, but better yet do also send me the database file and I can make sure everything is okay by exporting it and reimporting into a text SQL format that I can read and double check. Select /Users/helgebaurecker2014/Library/Application Support/Bookpedia/Database.bookpd and use the "File -> Compress" command and you can email the zip version.

Alternatively you can also restore that Database.bookpd from a few days before from a backup without Bookpedia running. If you take this route, do run the "Verify Database" as well just to make sure the error was not earlier and simply hiding in your wish list until you went to use it.
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