More sophisticated Pocketpedia please

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More sophisticated Pocketpedia please

Post by mblssmp2 »

I assume I am not the first person who requests this. I would like to see a Pocketpedia that gives me similar options to browse my CD albums as when I use a software to control a streamer. I would like to have grid view and I would like to see my albums by genres, artists, year of release etc.
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Re: More sophisticated Pocketpedia please

Post by Conor »

Thank you, grid view on the to do list. The sorting is already possible and we can bring the headers from the list view over to the grid view as well.
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Re: More sophisticated Pocketpedia please

Post by FineWine »

mblssmp2 wrote:........ and I would like to see my albums by genres, artists, year of release etc.
For information on how to sort Collections have a read about this ability here: Support > Help > Overview > Working with ......pedia > On Collections > Sort a Collection

For information on how to configure and view different columns in List view, have a read about this here: Support > Help > Overview > Configuration > Different Views > List View

Once you have your List View how you want it within the desk top versions of the Pedia's, Sync again with Pocketpedia and these will be reflected in Pocketpedia.

Hope this helps
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