Streamed & Downloaded Media

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Streamed & Downloaded Media

Post by FineWine »

1 - Add a new permanent Field (Entry Tag) [key:"Streaming Services" or "VOD's"] (video on demand services) plurality here as the same content is available across several services. This Field could also be an 'Autofill' blue bubble tag Field.

NOTE: There is a new web site called "JustWatch" which list all of the legal geo centric streaming services. On initial site registration and setup you need to choose your country of viewing. It has quite an effective 'searchbar input container' as well.

2- To provide a new Entry Tag Link pointer [key:localStorageURL] and could be tied to the Entry Tag [key:location] or [key:media]- URL to the local physical location of the downloaded media which could be your iMac or MacBook device, local NAS device or, hopefully soon, your Apple TV device. I think this needs to be a new and separate Entry Tag which would solely utilise the current href="pedia://loadLink=file:///******** .

3 - With then the ability to invoke/activate your preferred media player; Apple TV, VLC, Plex etc. from within DVDpedia, Pocketpedia or Pocketpedia TV, to play the locally stored media. This then I suppose would require a new Preference to indicate that media player as opposed to using the present Terminal method and would, I think, require a rewrite of the DVDPlayer.applescript or some such coding.

I do not know if this would involve DVDpedia getting involved with; local Home Ethernet, local Home WiFi network or Apple AirPlay which I can very much appreciate involves a whole new ball game ?? I know myself I store my few downloaded media on my iMac but as the number of downloaded media increases I will have to start using either a NAS device or hopefully Apple TV ups there storage capacity. I might in the future be using both NAS & ATV therefore 'Location Pointing' by DVDpedia would become even more critical and of course we must always keep in the back of our minds Cloud storage :!: :) .

OK that's enough :D
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